The only things permanent in this world is change
Education as a sector has been constantly evolving over the years so as to keep itself abreast with the changing times. With the advent of technology, education sector has changed its dynamics of operations with more focus on the digital platform.
Digital education replaces the traditional form of education day-by-day. The learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-learning skills. They are able to understand what they need to learn and research using online resources. This enhances the learners’ efficiency and productivity.
Digitalization offers fluidity to the Indian education sector by being a supplementary form of the system as it is available to students as per their need. Innovation and technology have been predominant in every sector in India with each undergoing vast change in the past few years.
Digital education replaces the traditional form of education day-by-day. The learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-learning skills. They are able to understand what they need to learn and research using online resources. This enhances the learners’ efficiency and productivity.
Digitalization offers fluidity to the Indian education sector by being a supplementary form of the system as it is available to students as per their need. Innovation and technology have been predominant in every sector in India with each undergoing vast change in the past few years.
Impacts of technology on Education:

Digitalization is the next big thing in education sector which will play a path breaking role in modeling education as a sector by changing its dynamics globally.